Pictures: Wild "Turkeys"

Wild Turkey Tracks

Each winter there are usually a number of events offered by local hike leaders. I try to do the loop that starts at F.W.R. Dickson Conservation Area. We snowshoe or walk to Bannister Lake and back. Most winter days that tends to clear the cobwebs. Also, we get to feed the Blackcap Chickadees. We tend to see quite a few real wild turkeys or their tracks when out hiking or snowshoeing ... a real success story. Read about the wild turkey history at the Ministry of Natural Resources. Yes, the signs in the following pictures have been altered a tad!


Picture below from 2020 March 19 - Picture taken by Georgia
 Wild Turkeys 2020


Picture below from 2016 Janaury 28
 Wild Turkeys


Picture below from 2015 Janaury 08
Wild Turkeys


Picture below from 2012 Janaury 20
Wild Turkeys


Picture below from 2011 January 19
Wild Turkeys

You may have guessed that these are not the real wild turkeys, so click here if you need a look at some facts about our successful Wild Turkeys of Ontario.

Links to more pictures:

Snowstools | A "Pileated" White Pine | Red Trillium Variant at Huron Natural Area | Snowshoe at rare Charitable Research Reserve 2014 | A Story of Two Amulrees & The Highland Clearances | The Swamp Crew | Tynemouth Hooligans | "Wild Turkeys" | Hackberry | Turk's-cap Lily | Snowshoeing at Petersburg Tract 2015 | Niagara Glen | Massasauga rattlesnake  | We Hiked the Bruce Trail In Small Doses | Frogs Croaking at Huron Natural Area | Female flower of Black Pine  | Canada Goose Nesting | Red-Tailed Hawks | Snapping Turtle | Thistles & Tongue Twister ... more to follow .